What you need to know about Lab Grown Diamonds

With us, you can get Lab Grown Diamonds in all sizes and price ranges. Available in Munich and Augsburg!
Lab Grown Diamonds are available for all our engagement rings, eternity rings, wedding rings, and other jewelry collections!
What are Lab Grown Diamonds?
Lab Grown Diamonds, or synthetic diamonds, are diamonds man made in a lab. Other names include “synthetic diamond”, “man-made diamond”, or “cultured diamond”. In the end, it always refers to the same thing. An man made diamond.
How are lab grown diamonds made?
When you think of a traditional diamond (that comes deep from the Earth), you think of mines and heavy machinery. With lab grown diamonds, there’s no digging involved. It does however taks many weeks and a great deal of engineering skill to produce them.

There are two methods to produce Lab Grown Diamonds, or synthetic diamonds:
CVD – Chemical Vapour Deposition
In the CVD (Chemical Vapour Deposition) method, a new diamond is “grown” from an already existing piece of diamond over many hours through a chemical vapor process. Our video above provides more details about this.
HPHT – High Temperature High Pressure
With the HPHT (High Pressure High Temperature) method, carbon particles are shaped into a diamond in a pressure chamber, as the name suggests, through high pressure and high temperature, similar to the process in the Earth.
How much do Lab Grown Diamonds cost?
The cost of lab grown diamonds depends on the same 4C’s (Carat/Size, Clarity/Purity, Color, Cut) as natural diamonds. Below are a few price examples. However, it can generally be said that synthetic diamonds from the lab are about 40-70% cheaper than natural diamonds from the Earth.

Where do lab grown diamonds come from and why buy from Designer Diamonds?
Most lab grown diamonds are made in countries like China or India. Lab grown diamonds from Designer Diamonds come from ethically traded sources, including from the USA. With our in-house GIA gemologists, you only receive quality that has been verified by experts!

Features and Benefits of Lab Grown Diamonds
Ethically produced and traded
Many Lab Grown Diamonds come from untraceable, uncertain sources. We at Designer Diamonds ensure that synthetic diamonds come only from ethical production, thus ensuring they are not blood diamonds!
Affordable Fancy Colored Diamonds
Lab grown diamonds diamonds offer a very good alternative for colored diamonds. Natural Blue, Green, Pink, Yellow, or Red diamonds can become very expensive. As a rule of thumb, lab grown colored diamonds are priced similarly to white diamonds.
Same Properties as Natural Diamonds
CVD and HPHT diamonds can be equated with natural diamonds from the Earth in terms of optical and physical properties. Specialized equipment can determine whether it’s a natural or artificial diamond. Diamond institutes like GIA, HRD, or IGI also issue certificates for this purpose.
High Purity and Quality
Type IIa diamonds are the purest diamonds. These contain the least amount of nitrogen. As a result, they can be produced in a lab.
Environmentally Friendly and Low CO2 Emissions
This is often cited as the main argument for lab grown diamonds, claiming they are supposedly more environmentally friendly in their production, and nearly carbon-neutral. Tho this we only can say: “MAYBE.” Because synthetic diamonds from countries like India and China often are NOT.
Therefore, it’s crucial to pay attention to the sources. We work with Lab Grown Diamond manufacturers from the USA. For instance, they derive their energy for the growth process from solar power, ensuring an almost neutral CO2 production.

Affordable Fancy Colored Diamonds
Lab Grown Diamonds offer a very good alternative for fancy colored diamonds. Natural Blue, Green, Pink, Yellow, or Red diamonds can become very expensive. As a rule of thumb, lab grown diamonds are priced similarly to white diamonds.